


“From the moment I walked into the TCA building, I knew I was in the right place. We were treated like family since day one. Knowing my daughter is being educated with knowledge and the good Word….is a blessing. Praise God.”   

- K.M.  (Present Parent)

Tuition Costs

Tuition Costs

Tuition may be paid by one of the following:

  1. Eleven monthly installments due the first of each month (starting August 1st and ending June 1st)
  2. Ten monthly installments due the first of each month (starting August 1st and ending May 1st)
  3. Semi-annual amounts (due August 1st and January 1st) A discount for the semi-annual payment is 0.5%.
  4. An annual amount (due August 1st). The discount for an annual payment is 1%.

Tuition is not billed unless it is late. A late fee of $20 per month will be assessed on any bill not paid by the fifth of the month in which it's due. If more than one month is owed, $20 will be assessed for each month owed. For one child the tuition rates are the following:

  • Kindergarten Full-Day: $6,890
  • Grades 1-6: $7,250
  • Grades 7-8: $7,875
  • Grades 9-12: $8,225


Two Children: Full tuition on first child and 15% discount on the second.

Three Children or more: Full tuition on first child, 15% discount on the second, and 50% discount on the third, fourth and fifth children.

Note: The additional cost for full-day kindergarten of $1,210 is NOT discounted as described above. Also, please note that books are loaned to the students. Lost or damaged books will be replaced at the expense of the student.


Applications for enrollment of new students should be directed to the school office accompanied by the appropriate fee.  Enrollment fees are due upon acceptance to TCA.


Application Fee………………………….…………………………....$75/student; $225/family max.

Enrollment Fee (before 4/1)……………….………………………....$75/student; $225/family max.

Enrollment Fee (after 4/1)……………..…….……………………...$100/student; $300/family max.

Re-enrollment Fee (before 4/1)……………………………………....$75/student; $225/family max.

Re-enrollment Fee (after 4/1)……………………………………….$125/student; $375/family max.


Re-enrollment forms and fees for returning students should be in the TCA Office by April 1st to ensure a place in next year's classes. 



Financial Aid